Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. General Information

The protection of your personal data is particularly important to me. I treat your personal data confidentially and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations as well as this privacy policy.

2. Responsible Party

The responsible party for data processing on this website is:

Luise Stanew
Rötekuhle 26, 32584

3. Collection and Storage of Personal Data as well as Type and Purpose of their Use

a) When Visiting the Website

When you visit my website [], the browser used on your device automatically sends information to the server of our website. This information is temporarily stored in a so-called logfile. The following information is collected without your intervention and stored until automated deletion:

  • IP address of the requesting computer,
  • Date and time of access,
  • Name and URL of the retrieved file,
  • Website from which the access is made (referrer URL),
  • Browser used and, if applicable, the operating system of your computer as well as the name of your access provider.

The aforementioned data is processed by us for the following purposes:

  • Ensuring a smooth connection to the website,
  • Ensuring comfortable use of our website,
  • Evaluation of system security and stability, as well as
  • For other administrative purposes.

4. Disclosure of Data

Your personal data will not be transferred to third parties for purposes other than those listed below.

We will only share your personal data with third parties if:

  • You have given your explicit consent pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a DSGVO,
  • The disclosure is necessary for the assertion, exercise, or defense of legal claims pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f DSGVO and there is no reason to assume that you have an overriding interest worthy of protection in not disclosing your data,
  • There is a legal obligation for the disclosure pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. c DSGVO, and
  • It is legally permissible and necessary for the processing of contractual relationships with you pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b DSGVO.

5. Rights of the Data Subject

You have the right:

  • To request information about your personal data processed by us in accordance with Art. 15 DSGVO,
  • To request the correction of incorrect or incomplete personal data stored by us without delay in accordance with Art. 16 DSGVO,
  • To request the deletion of your personal data stored by us in accordance with Art. 17 DSGVO,
  • To request the restriction of processing your personal data in accordance with Art. 18 DSGVO,
  • To receive your personal data provided to us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format or to request the transfer to another responsible party in accordance with Art. 20 DSGVO,
  • To revoke your consent given to us at any time in accordance with Art. 7 para. 3 DSGVO, and
  • To lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in accordance with Art. 77 DSGVO.

6. Data Security

I use the widespread SSL (Secure Socket Layer) procedure in connection with the highest level of encryption supported by your browser during the website visit. Generally, this is 256-bit encryption. If your browser does not support 256-bit encryption, I will use 128-bit v3 technology instead. You can tell whether an individual page of our website is transmitted in encrypted form by the closed display of the key or lock symbol in the lower status bar of your browser.

7. Validity and Changes to this Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is currently valid as of June 27, 2024.

Due to the further development of my website and offers on it or due to changed legal or regulatory requirements, it may become necessary to change this privacy policy.